

Amazon Research Award 2020

HuPBA participation in international projects (European Comission, selection):

YouAddict EIT Digital Project RFP2024KE 2024-2025

An Integrated Life-Course Approach for Person-Centred Solutions and Care for Ageing with Multi-morbidity in the European Regions – STAGE; Stay Healthy Through Ageing 2024-2028

Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Personalised Risk Assessment in Chronic Heart Failure (AI4HF) 2023-2027

Understanding, predicting, and treating depression in pregnancy to improve mothers and offspring mental health outcomes (HappyMums) 2022-2026

International Clinical Validation of Radiomics Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Treatment Planning (RadioVal) 2022-2026

A European Health Data Toolbox for Enhancing Cardiology Data Interoperability, Reusability and Privacy (DataTools4Heart) 2022-2026

Gene Environment interactions in Mental health trajectories of Youth (Youth-GEMs) 2022-2027

European Learning and Intelligent Systems Excellence, ELISE, H2020 num. 951847, ICT-48-2020 – Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres, H2020-EU.2.1.1.

EIT COMETH Activity 20377 – Innovative benchmarking approaches to improve COmputational METHods for big data analysis in Health

Tecnologias Emergentes – FEM IoT – FEDER 2020-2023

Cost Action CA1823 Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation 2019-2025

EMPATHIC H2020 num. 769872 – Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly. RIA Call SC1-PM-15-2017 Video. Corpus of Interactions between Seniors and an Empathic Virtual Coach in Spanish, French and Norwegian, 631-345-309-445-9, ID ELRA-S0414

EIT HADACA: Health data challenges 2019

RIS3Cat Innobrain 2018-2020 – Innovation in new technologies for rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation

EIT Health Headstart CARE RESPITE 2018-2019

EUROSTARS-2 e-MOTIPH;    Smart    and    innovative    e-mental    health    solution    to    manage    and    empower    schizophrenic    patient, EXP 00113638 / CIIP-20182014 2018-2021 / 12470/19/Q

Innolabs No 691556 2017-2019

COMPASS No 710543 2017-2020

iCARE: improving Children Auditory REhabilitation, FP7 project 2014-2017

Cost Action: Integrating Vision & Language 2014-2018

SEE.4C – SpatiotEmporal ForEcasting: Coopetition to meet Current Cross-modal Challenges 2016-2017

SME Automatic Digital Biometry Analysis System for musculoskeletal disorders rehabilitation (ADIBAS) 2017

TeSLA 2016-2018

SME Disriptive OnLine Stylist Engine by Value Agents 2015

WIDER – Green Growing of SMEs: Innovation and Development in the Energy Sector in the Mediterranean Area 2015

Hermes 2007-2010