HuPBA dissemination
Invited talks
Jun Wan, Ajian Liu, Jiankang Deng, Shengjin Wang, Ya-Li Li, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Isabelle Guyon, Zhen Lei, CVPR 5th Challenge and Workshop on Face Anti-Spoofing, Seattle, CVPRW, 2024.
Dustin J Carrion, Hong Chen, Adrian El Baz, Sergio Escalera, Chaoyu Guan, Isabelle Guyon, Ihsan Ullah, Xin Wang, Wenwu Zhu, Results of the NeurIPS’22 Cross-Domain MetaDL Competition, BayLearn, San Francisco, October 2022.
Sergio Escalera and Javier Selva, HuPBA research group and Video transformers, Invited Talk at AI Pioneer Center, Copenhagen, 23th Nov. 2022.
Jun Wan, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Ajian Liu, Chenxu Zhao, Zitong Yu, Guodong Guo, Shaopeng Tang, Junliang Xing, Zhen Lei, Isabelle Guyon, 3rd Face Anti-Spoofing Workshop and Challenge@ICCV2021, ICCV, 2021.
David Gallardo-Pujol, David Curto, Albert Clapés, Javier Selva, Sorina Smeureanu, Julio C.S. Jacques, Georgina Guilera, David Leiva, Guillermo Recio, Thomas B. Moeslund, David Saeteros, Cristina Palmero, Sergio Escalera, Personality computing: recognizing personality from a dyadic interaction using artificial intelligence, X jornadas de la asociación iberoamericana para la investigacion de las diferencias individuales, 2021. Proceedings. Best communication award.
Zhengying Liu, Adrien Pavao, Zhen Xu, Sergio Escalera, Isabelle Guyon, Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, Meysam Madadi and Sebastien Treguer, How far are we from true AutoML: reflection from winning solutions and results of AutoDL challenge, AutoML workshop, International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML, 2020.
Sergio Escalera, Pau Buch-Cardona, Videovigilancia y seguridad, El Futuro que Deseamos: Inteligencia Artificial, Ética y Participación Ciudadana, Jornada Palau Macaya, Conferencias y Debates, 5a convocatoria: el ciudadano ante sus derechos digitales, 2020.
Jun Wan, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Isabelle Guyon, Guodong Guo, Shaopeng Tang, Face Antispoofing Competition at CVPR 2020, 4th Workshop on Media Forensics, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR, 2020.
Isabelle Guyon, Sergio Escalera, AutoDL challenge, Design and Results, The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), First ICLR Workshop on Neural Architecture Search (NAS 2020), 2020.
Sergio Escalera, Josep Moya, El TDAH, ¿un trastorno neurobiológico o una manifestación de la brecha digital?, Espacio Psicoanalítico de Barcelona, 29th Jan. 2020.
Sergio Escalera, Transparency and Interpretability in Human-Centric Learning, ELLIS Human-Centric Learning workshop, Bilbao, Spain, 3rd Sept. 2019.
Swathikiran Sudhakaran, Sergio Escalera, Oswald Lanz, FBK-HUPBA Submission to the EPIC-Kitchens 2019 Action Recognition Challenge, EPIC challenge at CVPRW, 2019.
Sergio Escalera, Apparent Human Behavior Understanding: Personality Trait Computing, Workshop on Visual Understanding of Subjective Attributes of Data, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR, 2018.
Sergio Escalera, ChaLearn Looking at People Inpainting and Denoising Challenges, European Conference on Computer Vision Satellite Event, 2018.
Sergio Escalera, Apparent Personality Computing, Multimedia Information Processing for Personality and Social Networks Analysis (MIPPSNA 2018), ICPR workshop, 2018.
Gabriela Ramirez, Esau Villatoro, Bogdan Ionescu, Hugo J. Escalante, Sergio Escalera, Martha Larson, Henning Muller, and Isabelle Guyon, Overview of the Multimedia Information Processing for Personality & Social Networks Analysis Contest, ICPR contest session, 2018.
Stephane Ayache, Sergio Escalera, Florin Popescu, Isabelle Guyon, Umut Guclu, Yagmur Gucluturk, Marti Soler, Meysam Madadi, Xavier Baro, and Hugo Jair Escalante, ChaLearn Looking at People Inpainting Challenge @WCCI18 @ECCV18, World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI, July 2018.
Sergio Escalera, Apparent Human Behavior Understanding, Cost Action Integrating Vision and Language closing conference, Tartu, March 2018.
Evelyne Viegas, Isabelle Guyon, Sergio Escalera, Codalab Open source platform to accelerate reproducible computational research, Machine Learning Challenges as a Research Tool, Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS, Long Beach, 2017.
Xavier Baro, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair, and Isabelle Guyon, ChaLearn Looking at People: Face Analysis Challenges, Joint Challenge on Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition Using Micro Emotion Features and Head-Pose Estimation – DCER&HPE, Faces and Gestures FG, 3/6/2017.
Sergio Escalera, Julio Jacques, Xavier Baro, Spatio-temporal forecasting from short clips of faces: Dataset, ICLR workshop on video forecasting, 22/4/2017.
Sergio Escalera, Julio Jacques, Xavier Baro, Faces short clips: data and deep spatio-temporal prediction, see4c Spatio-Temporal prediction Hackaton, European Commission project, France, 14/2/2017.
Sergio Escalera, Martha Mackay, Care Respite: A Barcelona company helping caregivers to take time off through computer vision, Eurocarers Annual General Assembly and 10th Anniversary, Brussels, 14th June, 2016.
Isabelle Guyon, Kristin Bennett, Gavin Cawley, Hugo Jair Escalante, Sergio Escalera, Tin Kam Ho, Nuria Macia, Bisakha Ray, Mehreen Saeed, Alexander Statnikov, Evelyne Viegas, The AutoML challenge on codalab, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2015. Slides.
Sergio Escalera, ChaLearn Looking at People: datasets and competitions, MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation, Barcelona, 2014.
Sergio Escalera; Xavier Baro; Jordi Gonzalez; Miguel A. Bautista; Meysam Madadi; Miguel Reyes; Victor Ponce; Hugo J. Escalante; Jamie Shotton; Isabelle Guyon, Results of the ChaLearn Looking at People Challenge 2014, LEMA 2014 in cunjunction with ECML-PKDD’14, Nancy, France. International Workshop on Learning with Multiple Views: Applications to Computer Vision and Multimedia Mining.
Oriol Pujol, Sergio Escalera, Reconeixement intel·ligent del comportament i imatge mèdica: Aplicació a l’anàlisi del TDAH, V Congrés Català de Salut Mental de la Infància i l’Adolescència, Barcelona, 2014.
Sergio Escalera, Jordi Gonzàlez, Xavier Baró, Miguel Reyes, Oscar Lopés, Isabelle Guyon, Vassilis Athitsos, Hugo J. Escalante, ChaLearn Multi-modal Gesture Recognition: Workshop and Challenge results, International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI, 2013.
Sergio Escalera, TECNOLOGIA I INNOVACIÓ EN SALUT MENTAL Detecció, anàlisi i control en teràpies i tractaments, INNOVATING MENTAL HEALTH AT EUROPE, 5/9/2013, Parc Tauli, NeuroRescue european project conference, 2013. Photo of the event. Photo2.
Oriol Pujol and Sergio Escalera, INNO4AGEING 2013, 12th-13th DECEMBER, 2013 2nd EDITION, VENUE: UVic Auditorium, Barcelona- Catalonia, Spain.
Sergio Escalera, Anna Puig, Oscar Amoros, Maria Salamo, Invited speaker paper review: Intelligent GPGPU Classification in Volume Visualization: a framework based on Error-Correcting Output Codes, XXII Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica, Jaén, Spain, 2012.
Sergio Escalera, Human Behavior Analysis from Depth Maps, F.J. Perales, R.B. Fisher, and T.B. Moeslund (Eds.): AMDO 2012, LNCS 7378, pp. 282-292, Springer, Heidelberg, Mallorca, Spain, 2012.
Oriol Pujol, Sergio Escalera, Wearable Biometrics and Automatic Human Behavior Analysis Technologies for Adaptation and Personalization of the Smart City to the Smart Citizen, Smart City expo World Congress, Barcelona, 2011.
Sergio Escalera, Laura Igual, Verónica Violant, M. Teresa Anguera, Josep Moya, La Inteligencia Articial como herramienta para la adquisición automática de datos en el soporte diagnóstico: aplicación al TDAH, IV Congrés Català de Salut Mental de la Infància i l’Adolescència, CaixaForum, Barcelona, 10-11/11/11, 2011.
Media coverage
2025 – February, Dr. Meysam presenting Vitonify project at i2CAT accelerator program.
2024 – July 12th, ELLIS BCN Unit kick off event, Prof. Sergio Escalera ELLIS BCN Unit co-founder.
2024 – July 9th, FlowMDM: Seamless Human Motion Composition with Blended Positional Encodings, best poster award at the AI for Content Creation Workshop, CVPR 2024.
2024 – June 19th, German Barquero and Cristina Palmero at CVPR daily news explaining the CVPR work: Seamless Human Motion Composition with Blended Positional Encodings, pp. 18-23.
2024 – June 19th, Artur Xarles, Albert Clapes, Thomas Moeslund, Sergio Escalera, Soccernet International Challenge on ball event spotting in video winners at CVPR. Photo1. Photo2.
2024 – April 5th, Sergio Escalera 2nd time ICREA Academia
2023 – December 12th, German Barquero, BelFusion work presentation at Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium 2023 DLBCN.
2023 – October, Sergio Escalera within top 2% worldwide most cited researchers
2023 – July 25th, ELLIS BCN – Barcelona ELLIS UNIT – kick off
2023 – June 30th, Announcing the first Machine Unlearning Challenge – Google Research Blog
2023 – June, Soccernet Action Spotting challenge at CVPR third prize
2023 – January, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA
2022 – December 7th, HuPBA in Port Aventura
2022 – November 1st, Getting to Know Sergio Escalera, IAPR Fellow, IAPR Newsletter
2022 – October 24th, Sergio Escalera within top 2% worldwide most cited researchers
2022 – October, IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, Best 2020 journal paper award by IEEE Biometrics Council to «CASIA-SURF: A Dataset and Benchmark for Large-scale Multi-modal Face Anti-spoofing», announced at IJCB 2022.
2022 – August 24th, Sergio Escalera receives the IAPR Fellow Award
2022 – June 27th, UniUD-FBK-UB-UniBZ First prize at the EPIC-Kitchens dataset challenges: Multi-Instance Action Retrieval, CVPR
2022 – April 16th, El Pais, Rostros Sinteticos
2021– IEEE Faces and Gestures best poster award
2021 – December, best communication at the X Jornadas de la Asociacion Iberoamericana para la Investigacion de las Diferencias Individuales (AIIDI)
2021 – June 20th, SAIC-FBK-UB Thrid prize at EPIC Action Recognition challenge, CVPRW. Photo. Diploma
2021 – June 3rd, Prof. Sergio Escalera discuss about face recognition at La Linterna Cope Catalunya
2021 – May 28th, Prof. Sergio Escalera discussing about face recognition technology limitations and ethics at
2021 – May 20th, Prof. Sergio Escalera within top 70 Spanish Computer Scientists in 2020 by Guide 2 Research
2021 – May 19th, Prof. Sergio Escalera Distinguished Professor at Aalborg University
2021 – May, Hugo Bertiche talking about CLOTH3D at METADATA
2021 – April, HuPBA group recipient of Amazon Research Award 2020
2021 – April, Hugo Bertiche talking about CLOTH3D on the radio show La Mecanica del Caracol. Audio
2021 – March, CLOTH3D in the news
2021 – February, HuPBA with Transatlantic team finalist at XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge
2021 – January, in press, HuPBA challenge on bias mitigation for face recognition systems
2020 – December 15h, Palau Macaya debate videovigilancia y seguridad: el ciudadano ante sus derechos digitales. Press news.
2020 – October 16th, ¿Cómo serán las relaciones personales después de la pandemia y el confinamiento?, La maleta de portbou, revista de humanidades y economía
2020 – October 4th, Challenge on Automatic Evaluation of Myocardial Infarction from Delayed-Enhancement Cardiac MRI: Best paper award. 2nd challenge winner
2020 – August, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA
2020 – June, MTurk funds for egocentric datasets grant to Dyadic hupba project at CVPR 2020
2020 – June 16th, Computing the Testing Error without a Testing Set, paper award nominee at CVPR
2020 – June 15th, Cristina palmero talk at EPIC CVPRW for selected project for MTurk funds. Photo. Youtube video
2020 – June 15th, FBK-HuPBA Thrid prize at EPIC Action challenge, CVPRW. Photo. Diploma
2020 – February 9th, La Vanguardia, Facial Recognition in public spaces article
2020 – January, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA
2020 – January 8th, Catalunya Radio, Mapamundi, La intel·ligència artificial aplicada al control de la població
2019 – December 20th, Palau de la Generalitat, & DLBCN meeting
2019 – July, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA
2019 – June, FBK-HuPBA Thrid prize at EPIC Action challenge, CVPRW. Photo
2019 – April 30th, ICREA Academia 2018-2019, Sergio Escalera grant. Photo2. UB granted researchers
2019 – February, Mobile World Congress HuPBA Personality recognition technology
2019 – January 30th, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary pp. 13, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA
2019 – January 23th, ExperimentAI interactive demo exposition on personality computing event, HuPBA, Barcelona
2019 – January, HuPBA participating at La Fura dels Baus, group interaction analysis research
2018 – October, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary pp. 26, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA
2018 – April, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary pp. 15, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA
2018 – February 22th, RFI radio, Enfoque internacional section, Risks of AI, Sergio Escalera interview. Audio
2017 – December 12th, Care Respite CaixaImpulse Sergio Escalera interview
2017 – December, Computer Vision News Magazine, Emotion analysis HuPBA works in 2017
2017 – November 5th, Magazine Digital, Face Recognition news, HuPBA group interviewed
2017 – October, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary pp. 15, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA
2017 – September 27th, La Vanguardia iPhone biometrics news, HuPBA group interviewed
2017 – July, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA competitions and events
2017 – July, Dr. Sergio Escalera, CVPR 2017 Outstanding Reviewer
2017 – May 11th, xBadges Compartia and Hupba project for biometry and competence analysis while playing games (RTVE min 18 to 25)
2017 – April, IAPR newsletter, TC-12 activities summary, including ChaLearn LAP-HuPBA competitions and events
2017 – March, Gamification Emotion Recognition system, HuPBA group, media channels dissemination
2017 – February, IAPR Newsletter, pag. 34, ICPR 2016 ChaLearn LAP IAPR competition summary
2017 – February 9th, Bosch i Gimpera, Care Respite new spin-off of the University of BarcelonaDecember 25th, HuPBA group
2016 – December 25th, La Vanguardia Magazine, interview on algorithms, HuPBA group
2016 – December 8th, NIPS Demo presentation: Biometric applications of CNNs: get a job at «Impending Technologies»! PersonalityDemoVideo. FingerprintDemoVideo. PersonalityPoster FingerprintPoster. Photo1. Photo2. Photo3. Photo4. Photo5
2016 – November 21st, PhysicalTech ADIBAS Technology, Fundacio Bosch i Gimpera dissemination, University of Barcelona
2016 – November, Pamem newsletter (barcelona health professionals), Care Respite system presentation
2016 – November, 7th, ECONOMIA, Physicaltech, 1 of the 9 Catalan companies granted at SME Instrument Phase I 2016 call
2016 – October, 17th, IAPR Newsletter, IAPR TC-12 and ChaLearn LAP news
2016 – September, 5th, Obra Social La Caixa, Care Respite tested in real environments
2016 – June, 19th, PhysicalTech in La Vanguardia
2016 – AMDO conference, best student paper award and best commercial paper award
2016 – May, Premios Latino, «El Grup» best spanish documentary, La Caixa and HuPBA collaboration
2016 – May, 9th, Care Respite Barcelona TV, BenTrobats
2016 – April, IAPR Issue, TC-12 activity news
2016 – April 1st, Care Respite Caixa Impulse granted project
2016 – March-April, HuPBA participation in «The Group» documentary (from Obra Social la Caixa funded project)
2016 – March 17th, HuPBA participation in «The Group» documentary, developing a web based application to support unemployed people, in collaboration with La Caixa foundation
2016 – February, HuPBA Mattress recommendation system, Dormity company, TV1 Spanish TV
2015 – December, Gerard Canal, best IA Master Score 2015
2015 – November 20th, Care Respite project Regio7 press
2015 – November 9th, Care Respite project in Diario Medico
2015 – October 21th, Gerard Canal, best Catalonia Artificial Intelligence prize by the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence at CCIA
2015 – October 20th, IAPR Newsletter, ChaLearn CVPR and events summary
2015 – October, Care Respite in press
2015 – September, Care Respite granted by CaixaImpulse Program
2015 – July, Care Respite project at RNE 4 amics Radio
2015 – July, ADiBAS posture, University of Barcelona Video
2015 – July, HuPBA within Fundacio la Caixa project: Lucha contra la pobreza. Slides1. Slides2
2015 – June 17th, Microsoft Press, PhysicalTech ADiBAS system
2015 – June, SpinUOC: Care Respite HuPBA project won the committee prize to the best UOC university 2015 transfer project. Spin UOC introduction. Spin UOC session. Care Respite Presentation
2015 – April, HuPBA within Guttmann-ICA Neurochild project
2015 – April 24th, Albert Clapes El Punt AVUI TV, HuPBA system for non-verbal communication. Video
2015- March 25th, Ospeopathe Magazine, ADiBAS System. Image1. Image2
2015- March, News HuPBA system for analyzing communication quality in visual data
2015 – March 9th, El Pais: PhysicalTech News
2015 – February 12th, TVE Adibas Presentation in Saber Vivir show
2015 – February 3rd, Adibas System, El Periodico
2015 – January, Adibas System in different media
2014 – December, HuPBA news in the Catalan Association of Artificial Intellgence for Looking at People world challenges organization
2014 – December 28th, Adibas System, La Vanguardia
2014 – November, HuPBA project for the automatic analysis of humans for mattress recommendation, Barcelona TV, 21/11/2014
2014 – October, ADiBAS system at KineActualite Journal
2014 – October, HuPBA project for the automatic analysis of humans for mattress recommendation (Cataluña Radio)
2014 – September,HuPBA project for the automatic analysis of humans for mattress recommendation
2014 – September, HuPBA project for assistive technology for people with reduced autonomy
2014 – April, HuPBA eHealth projects, la Vanguardia
2014 – September, HuPBA eHealth projects, la Vanguardia
2013 – HuPBA best paper award at the 2013 Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
2012 – HuPBA Chalearn demonstrator 2012 3rd Prize. Photo. News
2012 – RECERCAIXA grant for aging well – Video sample of the project
2012 – Sergio Escalera research for aging well – Ministry of Health directory
2012 – HuPBA prize at Chalearn ICPR 2012 challenge
2011 – Grant from AMIC UAB to Sergio Escalera as best PhD Thesis on informatics
2010 – HuPBA system for automatic sign language recognition (appeared in more than 20 media channels)
2010 – HuPBA system for automatic sign language recognition (Radio Murcia)
2010 – First prize at PASCAL VOC Human Layout Analysis 2010, ECCV 2010
2008 – Thesis review at Associacio Catalana Artificial Intelligence magazine ACIA 2008, pp. 22-23
2007 – Hupba news for reading symbols in documents (appeared in more than 20 media channels)
2007 –IAPR news, Sergio Escalera best paper award ar IBPRIA, Gerona
2007 – July, HuPBA project for reading symbols in documents, El Pais
Patents and utility models
Hugo Bertiche, Meysam Madadi, Sergio Escalera, Neural Cloth, Registered in i-DEPOT, Benelux Office of Intellectual Property (BOIP), Number 144689, 15th of December 2023.
Marc Oliu Simon, Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Pablo Pardo Garcia, Joan Maria Vilaseca Arroyo, and Joan Valls, Method and station for the automatic quality control of multimodal biometric data, “Procedimiento y estación para el control de calidad automático de datos biométricos multimodales”, Patent application EP17382223, submitted 26/04/2017.
Sergio Escalera Guerrero and D. Armillas, Entorn de comunicació d’unitats d’informació social, Patent code 002159, RUB-64527, application date 25/03/2015,
Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Xavier Baró Solé, Martha Mackay, Jordi González Sabaté, Patent T-2014-008 (UK & EP), A computer-implemented method and a system for remotely monitoring a user, and a computer program product implementing the method, 30/7/2014.
Germán León, Sergio Escalera, Jordi Gonzàlez, Jordi Abella, Agnés Borrás, Coen Antenes, Procedimiento para identificar el gesto de una mano, EP14382303.7. 1/8/2014.
Josep Moya, Marcos Catalan, Ester Fornells, Sergio Escalera, Software para la transmisión de información y documentación de casos complejos en salud, Code: Taulo VA01 – Objecte UDIPT, 12-9-2013.
Patent P2010315588, “Método y Sistema de Visión Artificial para el Control de Calidad de Servicios Públicos Municipales”, Authors: Jose Maria Getino Gonzalez, Mª Jose Cuetos Revuelta, Mario Sanz Gomez, Jose Antonio Fernandez Cacho, Oriol Pujol Vila, and Sergio Escalera Guerrero, 2011.
Registered software number B3342-11, ADiBAS Posture: Automatic Digital Biometry Analysis System, Miguel Reyes, Sergio Escalera, José Ramírez, Juan Ramón Revilla, and Petia Radeva, 2011.
Sergio Escalera, Oriol Pujol, and Petia Radeva, Error-Correcting Output Codes Library, Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol.11, pp.661-664, MIT Press, USA, ISSN 1532-4435, IF JCR CCIA 2.789 2009 18/103, 2010. Open Source Library, Machine Learning Open Source Software.